Thursday 14 November 2013

Children in Need Day tomorrow - Friday 15th November

Remember that this Friday is pyjama / onesie day. Please bring 50p to donate to Pudsey Bear.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Walkley Playground Project

Parents! If you have a free half hour or so on Friday morning, or you're already joining us for the Golden Book assembly, please stay for a short presentation and discussion about our Walkley School Playground Project. 

Our outside provision for play is in real need of improvement and there are exciting plans underway to begin to transform the playground areas around the school. 

But ( there's always a but...), we need your ideas, inspiration, support and fundraising efforts.

 Mrs Hansbury and Mrs Jinkinson will be very happy for you to come along THIS FRIDAY 8TH NOVEMBER at 9.30am

All will be explained!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Drop In Meeting After Golden Book Assembly this Friday 8th November

Hi. Just to inform you that Mrs Hansbury will be leading a powerpoint explanation of our new fundraising ideas for our playground development projects beginning with the rear Burnaby Building playground. On behalf of the Governing Body and staff, Nina will share our proposals and ideas. Hope to see you there. If you cannot attend, information will be provided in this Friday's newsletter.

To help with the fundraising, we will be holding a Christmas Fair on Friday 6th December. Mrs Hansbury and Mrs Jinkinson will be writing to you shortly to explain how you can get involved.