Tuesday 22 October 2013

Hi All,

Before we wish everyone a fantastic half term here are some quick reminders.

Parents Evening tonight and tomorrow evening!

Harvest Festival is on Thursday 24th October. This year we are working with Ben from 'Taste' to raise awareness of poverty in Nigeria. The children have written letters and produced information booklets which Ben has taken with him on his  visit. On Thursday there will be a harvest assembly with  Ben in attendance where he will share responses from a Nigerian school, therefore no donations are required this year.

On Thursday, there is an Eid Party for all pupils to be held in Tennyson Building  from 3.15 until 4.45 p.m. Please collect your children promptly after the event.

The opening of the Discovery Zone by the Lord Mayor was a wonderful afternoon for everybody, as children and staff alike dressed up as book characters for the occasion. You can see some photographs and read all about us in the Sheffield Star next Tuesday 29th October 2013.
Parents/ carers and friends will have the opportunity to have a look round our new resource after Golden Book this Friday morning. If you are unable to make it, we will provide other opportunities for a visit after half term.

Thank you once again for your continued support. See you on the 4th November......



We love to hear from people interested in our school, and our children want to know what you think of their work!

However, any comments will be moderated by the staff at Walkley Primary School before they are uploaded on our Blog, so it might take a little while before we publish them. Please be patient and thankyou for commenting!

Walkley Primary School.